The Misfit Monologues

As a dyslexic book publisher I have discovered how much the gifts of dyslexia have helped me with the big picture and story development of manuscripts.   For me this was the beginning of understanding how I was a “misfit” in the best of ways!

Many famous entrepreneurs have used their “problem solving” skills of Dyslexia and other non-linear ways of thinking, to forge new paradigms of business, and this is what I have done for the publishing industry.  It is time to recognize that it is good ‘stories” that make great books and leave the editors to take care of grammar, spelling and sentence structure.  You don’t have to be a great writer to be a great author, but you do have to tell a good story!

For many years I have wanted to put this book together to encourage others that their differences are a gift and I believe the time has come.  We want you to share your inspiring story of how you have recognized your gift in being different.  We will publish a collaborative book with 20 authors’ stories to encourage other “Misfits” to be encouraged. 


Here’s to the Crazy Ones

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them; disagree with them; glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.“   ~Rob Siltanen

What is a Collaborative Book?

Most people are familiar with the “Chicken soup for the Soul” series of books where multiple authors contribute to a book with a common theme. Influence Publishing have taken this concept one step further and created a complete system to bring together like-minded story tellers.

What We Do

We facilitate a workshop to help all the story-tellers in this book develop their inspiring chapter with purpose.  We help each contributor in their story development and only ask that they tell their story and submit a raw draft for our editors.  We also have the facility to create transcripts from a zoom interview for those who prefer to work that way.

  1. We work with each chapter story-teller individually on the editing process for their chapter. This process results in a very professional and focused story with clear takeaways and lessons that will the inspire the reader. We take each author through a three stage editing process (Developmental, structural, content) and ensure the highest professional standards with a final proof read. (unlike other collaborative project books you may have experienced where the story teller submits a poor quality chapter and that is what gets published other than a spell and grammar check!).
  2. We produce a professional unique cover design and interior design for the book.   A book is judged by the cover and we ensure the final selection of Title, sub-title, synopsis and author bio’s are optimized for search engine optimization. We handle all the professional book standard metadata and BISSAC book codes and Amazon categories/keywords, so your book can be found worldwide.
  3. We utilize the world’s largest book distributor so the book can be ordered by any book store or library around the world, (including Amazon/Chapters/Barnes and Noble), unlike other publishers that only make your book available on Amazon.
  4. We facilitate a Marketing Strategy meeting with all the authors to launch the book as an Amazon Best seller! We have a proven system to get everyone working with a common purpose to get the word out about the book to their network. When everyone follows the system you are guaranteed to become an Amazon Best Seller on the day of the launch. (unless your book is on the Best Sellers list, your book will never be found)
  5. We celebrate your success and help you create an online or live event to optimize your Best Selling Book!  You can then proudly call yourself a Best Selling Published Author!  

Take a look at some of our collaborative book projects that we have worked with over the last three years and made Amazon Best Sellers on the launch day:



Fall 2022

Deadline for Applications:  March 30, 2022

Save the Date: Online Author Workshop – 2nd week of April. (for those applicants chosen)

For more information on pricing and to apply to be part of this unique project, click on the button below.

For inspiration, and to learn more about my story please watch my TEDx talk entitled  “The Gift of Dyslexia”.  

To listen to my most recent interview on the “Dyslexia is Our Superpower” podcast, please click HERE.

To register for the Q & A Zoom session on March 10th at 12 noon PST or for more info, click below.