Lexi and Imhotep: To The Rescue (Lexi Catt’s Meowmoirs-Tales of Heroic Scientists)

by Marian Keen

Back cover of Lexi and Hippocrates Find Trouble at the Olympics

About the Book

According to myth, cats have nine lives, and Alexander Catt II (also known as Lexi) has spent his former lives with scientists of medicine throughout history. In these adventures, Lexi witnesses medical breakthroughs and discoveries, and learns the value of hard work and integrity.

In Lexi and Imhotep to the Rescue, Lexi lives with a fictional character, named after Egypt’s famous physician, Imhotep. The story is set during the reign of Ramses II, and accurately portrays the medical practices of this advanced civilization. Lexi accompanies young Imhotep to Deir el-Medina, where they rid the city of vermin and disease; save workers from a collapsed tomb; and rescue a mysterious young man who asks for forgiveness and then disappears! When Pharaoh Ramses the Great is informed, he demands an account, and they make their journey down the Nile.


Publication Date: Nov 1, 2015
162 pp. 6 x 9

Praise for Lexi and Imhotep

Marian Keen has done it again in this newest story in her series about Lexi Catt and his adventures throughout history. From his antics as a spunky kitten to his journey down the Nile with Hotep and Genie to meet Pharaoh Ramses II, readers will enjoy every fun-filled page. The illustrations bring ancient Egypt to life, and the “Pawscript” at the back of the book is very helpful and informative for middle-grade readers who are experiencing new vocabulary and learning about the lifestyles and events of ancient Egypt.
Samantha Watson, Special Education,
New Westminster and Maple Ridge School Districts

About the Author

Marian Keen, B.S. in Education, Central Connecticut State University, has been writing in a variety of genres since the early 1980s. Marian studied middle-grade education and taught grades five and six. Marian’s works and commentary can be found at megsbooks.com and stresstonics.com.
