Gems of Time: Past Lives with Mystery, Romance & Spirit Guides

by Lesley Corte

About the Book


Author and psychic Lesley Corte lives a spirit filled life, but it hasn’t always been that way.  As a child was taught to suppress her voice, limit her spirituality, and confine her sense of feminine power.  Desiring to break out of this restrictive childhood mindset, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery and uncovered answers to questions that the rational mind alone could not answer. 

Gathering decades of visions of past lives, and wisdom from spirit guides, ‘Gems of Time: Past Lives with Mystery, Romance, and Spirit Guides’  chronicles how one woman learned to open her being to the direction of her magnificent soul.  With guidance from the spirit realm, Lesley will lead you towards an understanding of how you can harness your inner power to create the love and happiness we all seek as we live out our own souls’ scenarios. 

This books is a call to choose your own adventure in the most profound way possible.  We are here on Earth to explore, create, and find alignment with our souls.  If you take the chance to delve deeper, you will enrich your life.


“In Gems of Time, Lesley Corte recounts the many fascinating people and events in her life that have inspired her ever-evolving vision of the Earth school, the cycle of reincarnation, and the afterlife that awaits us all.  With clarity and purpose, she describes the many past life regressions, she has experienced (both guided and spontaneous) and the way she has managed to reconcile those past lives with the people and events in her current life.  This book will inform and entertain anyone who is interested in past lives and how they affect our current journeys on Planet Earth.”

Garnet Schulhauser
Author of 5 books in the spiritual genre and a Level 2 QHHT practioner.


“Lesley Corte weaves her stories using a cinematic approach to explore the spiritual concepts she has come to apply to living life on what she calls ‘Starship Earth.’  A beautifully written book, Lesley takes us on a journey back and forth between time frames to solve the deepest riddle of her life.”

Shelley Silverman

Art Director for Film

About the Author

Lesley Corte is a gifted psychic visionary, spiritual teacher, artist, and writer. Her strong spiritual and psychic abilities were revealed early in her life during classes with a brilliant psychic named Kitty Massey. She met her main spirit guide at this time and, with his tutelage, began to lead classes herself in spiritual development, meditation, past life regression, channeling, and chakra energizing as well as participating in large psychic fairs. As a deep thinker and seeker, Lesley’s intuitive development began at Sir George Williams University, where she received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. She continued into the field of graphic design, using visions that would present themselves to her to create solutions for her work. She then moved into event design, where she executed visions of beauty and excitement for corporate events in high-end hotel ballrooms. Throughout this time, she continued to do psychic readings and lead meditation groups as well as explore her own past lives. The understanding she gained of her own soul’s development and path through history seemed an important discovery that she was propelled to share, resulting in the creation of this book. Today, Lesley enjoys spending part of her year in the tropical country of Panama, living in her beach condo overlooking a palm-tree-lined bay of the Pacific Ocean.


Interview with Lesley Corte

Please share a bit about your journey to become a published author?

I met my spirit guides over 35 years ago and began channelling information for myself and other people soon after that in my daily meditations. Before this I never thought of myself as a writer. I worked as a designer in several fields but as the journals began to pile up, I contemplated writing a book. It wasn’t until about 7 years ago that I met Julie Ann Salisbury at a women’s evening where she was giving a talk about self publishing. I was hooked and took an introductory weekend workshop with a half dozen other would be authors and had a blast. We clarified our topics, determine our ideal reader and mapped out ideas for chapters of the books we were destined to write.

Then it took me another five year to begin the book writing journey. I was definitely being guided – I’d wake up in the middle of the night with a beginning sentence to a story I had to get down in the little notebook I kept on my night table. My hesitancy about going public about my psychic talents was somewhat eased while working on little quotes for an Instagram page I was building. I was having fun. This led to writing more stories and channelling how to pull everything together into a cohesive manuscript.

To hone the craft of writing I Joined a course at Hay House and did a lot of the free webinars on line. Once I had something that felt good enough I contacted Julie once again and decided she was the right fit to help me through the publishing process.



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    How does the writing process work for you? Do you schedule a time every day, work madly when inspiration hits or ?

    Once I started to write the book, to say I was in the zone is an understatement. My guides took me on a ride for several months beginning with my morning meditations to channel new material and then edit in the evenings. I barely noticed what day it was or what season we were in, I was so focused.

      That is the power of opening your mind to the spirit realm. I was most inspired when my guides would start a meditation with a poem, that, when I read it after, I’d say to myself in amazement “I didn’t write that”.

      I don’t write every day but I do tune into spirit and when an idea comes to me I write it down or record it.

      What did you find most difficult about the writing and publishing process?  What was the easiest?

      For me, it wasn’t really the writing process that was difficult. It was those “eek” moments when I had to expose my writing and ideas to the publisher, and editors. I had to continually tell myself  that it didn’t matter if it wasn’t good enough to print, I had to write it for me. It was my journey – my mission – and I had to stick with it.

      I also struggled with the technology in all phases of the process. First it was how to organize my stories into a cohesive book. This was remedied when I took the advise of Kelly Notaras in the Hay House course to check out Scrivener.  The program gives the ability to set up an outline in one column and then fill in the material for each chapter and go back and forth at ease.

      Once I got the hang of the editing technology, I found the editing was easy and actually enjoyable. Being new to writing, I found Erin very helpful in clearing up a lot of awkward sentences and descriptions so that everything flowed more smoothly.

        What title have you released? Can you share a bit of what it is about?

        I wrote a page in the 365 Pursuit book about myself. I was not happy with that biography and didn’t use it to promote myself. It did get me started on writing a biography that I liked.

         “Gems of Time” is my first foray into book writing. It is a memoir of  my past lives and how they have affected and directed my life’s path this time around.

        I am passionate about letting people in on the secret of their own magnificence. I wrote this book as an example to those who are seeking more meaning or depth in their lives and to give them courage to step outside the norm – what is expected of them by their family or friends — to discover what their own lives are really about.

        Do you have any new books in the planning or writing stage?

        I have many recordings of channelling about topics that are pertinent to today’s world. These I am keeping until there seems to be enough to fill a book. One topic which I think needs to be discussed is the bringing up of the new children that are entering the physical plane right now. As I outlined briefly in “Gems of Time” they will be very advanced souls who have come and are coming to make major adjustments to the world we live in to create more peace and harmony. These children will require special attention. I know this because I was contacted by the soul of the baby being born into my family this year.

         I’m sure there will be more information regarding moving into the 5th dimension. It is a big deal right now.

        What would you like readers to know about you?

        I will be launching a past life regression business on line very soon. I will do group regressions and also one on one on Zoom which will give me the opportunity for an exchange between me and my client for a more in depth and interpretive understanding of the client’s past lives.

        I also will be starting a YouTube channel to bring in other spiritual teachers for interesting discussions.

        As well, I hope to be interviewed about my book and the idea of past lives.

        What do you hope readers will take away from it?

        I would like readers to come away with the courage to trust themselves and follow their own inclinations rather than dismissing their own opinions when they go against “the Tribe”. By finding our own truth we allow and accept others more readily. From that point we can build a more peaceful, beautiful and interesting world.