Say Yes to Saying No: Setting Your Boundaries for Success

by Leslie Fierling

About the Book

We all know someone like Leslie used to be: overwhelmed by a towering pile of commitments. Many people may actually be that person. Some people can handle more challenges than others, but nobody can do everything. Everyone needs to make time for themselves. Yet, we all seem to keep on saying yes to every project, opportunity or friend who wants a favour. The book’s title seems like an obvious suggestion, but according to the state of an average person’s life, it is not advice that is usually taken. This book provides the much needed encouragement and guidance needed to start saying yes to saying no and to get one’s life back under control.

About the Author

Leslie experienced years of eroded boundaries in business, a dysfunctional marriage and a journey with breast cancer. Now that Leslie has established her own strong boundaries with respect and integrity, she shares these lessons through speaking and workshops. In addition to her illustrious speaking career, Leslie holds a Bachelor of Science degree and has certificates in Education, Peer Counseling and Sports Nutrition. Leslie has had 24 years’ experience public speaking and facilitating workshops in her areas of expertise. She is a leader and team builder in her own business and in the Toastmasters organization where she holds the highest designation: Distinguished Toastmaster. As an outdoor enthusiast Leslie lives in North Vancouver, BC.

At the same time as she launched her new book, Leslie also launched her new business, “Flawless Delivery: Public Speaking at its Finest”, through which she offers public speaking workshops and private coaching. Leslie Fierling has acted as keynote speaker and workshop facilitator at countless events over the past two decades through organizations like Toastmakers, VOX Presenters and her business, Flawless Delivery. In 2011 during the provincial Toastmasters public speaking competition Fierling was awarded first place for impromptu public speaking; she discussed the topic of Saying Yes To Saying No and personal boundary setting.

Praise for Say Yes to Saying No

“Leslie offers a refreshing perspective on successfully dealing with the challenges life presents us however difficult, daunting and insurmountable they may appear to be.”
David Wilmot – Chair with TEC Canada

“‘Say Yes’ is an interesting read. Building a healthy workplace is a challenging project and Leslie’s book points readers in the right direction. It’s about setting boundaries that work for everyone involved. If you’re ready to leave the drama behind Say Yes to Saying No was written with you in mind.”
John Cameron – Author, ROCK SOLID – How to Strengthen Your Company

“‘Say Yes to Saying No’ is an excellent road map to identifying both why this area matters so much to personal and business success, and how to get to the place of feeling confident in uttering that magical word! Any one starting a business, or wondering why they are feeling stuck in their business or professional lives, should read Leslie’s book.”
Clemens Rettich Business Consulting Ltd.
Author of Great Performances